What to Serve With Crawfish Pie? 8 Side Dishes

what to serve with crawfish pie
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As unusual as it may sound, making a pie with crawfish, you will be amazed at how decadent it tastes. The abundance of flavors, aromas, and textures will certainly excite and awaken your palate. Moreover, crawfish is so versatile that it allows for numerous pairing options, so what to serve with crawfish pie? 

Crawfish pie goes great with green beans, baby spinach, roasted potatoes, roasted mixed vegetables, peas, mashed potatoes, rice, or salsa. It also pairs excellently with many types of salad and bread. 

Not only is it a true delicacy, but crawfish pie is also very easy to make, which makes this dish all the more attractive. Considering that the combining options are numerous, crawfish pie will undoubtedly tickle even the most discriminating palate. Not that it isn’t good enough on its own, but knowing what to combine it with will definitely expand your horizons when it comes to crawfish pie. 

Therefore, in the following paragraphs, I will discuss the crawfish pie pairing and dessert options and what drinks to include in the story to give you the best possible taste. 

What Side Dishes Go Well With Crawfish Pie?

Crawfish pie contains many different flavors combining smoothly into a single unity but still retaining their individual magic. You feel them all at once, and with each bite, another one dominates. This variety of flavors, perfectly mixed into one, makes crawfish pie incredibly easy to combine. 

Green Beans

The smooth and tender texture of the green beans will go perfectly with the crawfish pie’s abundance of softness and crunchiness. The expressed onion and garlic flavors will mash with the sweetness of the green beans, giving you an amazing experience.

what to serve with crawfish pie

Baby Spinach

The edgy and sharp spinach taste will give your crawfish pie another dimension and bring out its garlic taste and aroma. Flavorful but still gentle, your crawfish pie could benefit from the sharpness of the spinach. You can sizzle your spinach with powdered garlic and black pepper and enjoy.

Roasted Potatoes

The not-so-secret power of the roasted potatoes is that they go with everything. Since the crawfish pie already contains dough, meaning it contains carbs, the roasted potatoes will add to that number. However, the flavor is worthy of lading yourself with those carbs once in a while. 

Roasted Mixed Vegetables

Throw some sliced zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onions, and green bell peppers onto a baking tray, sprinkle some olive oil on them, season with salt and pepper and let them do their magic. The soft roasted vegetables might be just what you want for your crawfish pie.

This vegetable mix is also a great side dish to crawfish etouffee.

what to serve with crawfish pie


Simple yet very delicious, canned peas with just some salt and pepper will add some extra tenderness to your crawfish pie. The perfect balance between the bitter and sweet of the peas will make your every bite taste differently. The bitter whiff of the peas will accentuate the onion and garlic flavors of your crawfish pie, while the sweet one will accentuate its meatiness. 

Mashed Potatoes 

Mashed potatoes will add incredible creaminess to your crawfish pie. You can put two-three mashed potato scoops on top of your pie, and you get yourself a layered savory cake. Also, the mashed potatoes will absorb any excess moisture that may have remained locked under the top crust of your crawfish pie. 


Whether a colorful jambalaya or a simple plate of plain rice, this side dish is definitely your go-to solution if you want a slightly grainy texture added to your crawfish pie. Season your bowl of rice with some soy sauce, and you are all set. 


If you want to add some freshness to your crawfish pie, then salsa should definitely be your choice. The freshly minced tomatoes, combined with the onions and the peppers, will make your mouth water even more when your scoop the sauce with your crawfish pie piece. 

What Salad to Serve With Crawfish Pie?

Crawfish pie goes great with both fresh vegetable salad as well as cream salads. The extra flavor and texture of whichever salad you use will give your crawfish pie an entirely different style. 

Lettuce and Arugula 

Fresh Lettuce and arugula salad are the roasted potatoes of salads. There isn’t a dish under the sun this salad doesn’t go with. Lettuce and arugula salad will give zest and a string of bitterness to your crawfish pie, giving you a flavor combination you will want to repeat. 


Caprese salad is also another great option. The sourness of the cherry tomatoes, combined with the soft texture of the mozzarella garnished with basil, will add some refinement to your crawfish pie. 

Grated Carrots 

Simple and strong, grated carrots seasoned with vinaigrette might be just what you want to add some zest and edge to your crawfish pie. 


Pickles might also be an incredible companion to your crawfish pie, giving you some extra texture, freshness, and flavor. 

Ham and Mushrooms 

Ham and mushroom cream salad is another excellent possibility. Fry your mushrooms and add diced ham, mix everything with a spoon or two of sour cream, season with vinaigrette, and you have a cream salad to cheer up your crawfish pie. 

What Soup to Serve With Crawfish Pie?

The perfect combination of crunchiness and creaminess of the crawfish pie calls for soup either as an entre or as a side dish

Tomato Cream Soup. 

Tomato cream soup is a great idea. The sourness of the tomatoes, as the main ingredient, and the creamy consistency of the soup will be an excellent addition to your pie. 

Mushroom Cream Soup 

Mushroom cream soup will give your crawfish pie a rustic dimension with the earthy flavor of the mushrooms, combined with the lumpy consistency of the soup. The meat-like structure of the mushrooms will add up to your already meaty and rich crawfish pie. 

Clam Chowder 

Although a complete meal in itself, clam chowder could be a great side dish for your crawfish pie. Already flavorful, it will amplify the crawfish pie flavors and make it even more intense. 

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Vegetable Soup

If you fancy the simpler things in life, then go for a simple vegetable soup. This way, you will get a side dish, a salad, and a soup all in one. 

What Bread to Serve With Crawfish Pie?

Since the pie crust is already bread, crawfish pie doesn’t necessarily need bread on the side. Nonetheless, there are types of bread crawfish pie goes great with. 


Cornbread and crawfish pie are best buddies. The crawfish pie filling just begs to serve as dipping for the cornbread bites. Although cornbread isn’t a dipping bread, as its consistency is unstable and crumbly, its flavor is incredibly compatible with crawfish pie. 

French Baquette 

A French baguette is a perfect dipping bread. Uncover your crawfish pie and dip your bread bite in the filling. You will be amazed at how well these two pair. 


Soft, greasy, and perfectly seasoned focaccia bread will soak in all the juiciness of the crawfish pie filling, giving you incredible enjoyment with each bite. 

Garlic Bread 

It would be a shame not to mention garlic bread here. Crunchy, buttery, edgy, and garlicky garlic bread will add some more color and zest to your crawfish pie. And don’t worry, you won’t overdo the garlic, as the flavors will balance each other out.

Cottage Loaf

A cottage loaf could also do the trick here. Rustic and full of flavor and aroma, cottage loaf will absorb the juices from the crawfish pie filling and transform into a meal in itself. 

What Dessert to Serve With Crawfish Pie?

When talking about the desserts that go well with crawfish pie, I suggest custard desserts or muffins.

Pudding and Fudge 

Pudding, fudge, custard desserts, or whip-topped desserts are great after-party for a crawfish pie. A creamy and soft dessert will nicely follow the same tone of the crunchy shell around the creamy filling of the crawfish pie. 

Muffins and Cookies 

If you want to match your crawfish pie with a contrasting texture, I’d suggest blueberry muffins or chocolate chip cookies

Lava Cake

If you are uncertain of which tone you want your dessert to carry, you can go for a lava cake that combines creamy and spongy. 

What to Drink With Crawfish Pie?

Crawfish pie goes great with a variety of drinks. This elegant and rustic dish offers a variety of simple as well as more refined drinks.


As decadent as crawfish pie is, it is still a pie and, therefore, the people’s food. What better way to combine it than with a people’s drink-beer! 

Light and mildly carbonized beer would go great with a crawfish pie. 

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White Wine

Of course, you can combine crawfish pie with wine, too. A fruity, sweet, and dry wine would go great with crawfish pie. 

Don’t combine crawfish pie with brandy, cognac, or any other hard liquor, as they don’t compliment each other at all, spoiling the dish as well as the drink. 

Sparkling Water 

If you aren’t in the mood for anything alcoholic, but you want to have a drink with your crawfish pie, go for a glass of sparkling water with a twist. 

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