What to Serve with Costco Rotisserie Chicken? [11 Ideas]

What to Serve with Costco Rotisserie Chicken
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When it comes to combining Costco rotisserie chicken, the options are endless, and when it gets down to choosing one, the choice is impossible. I love Costco rotisserie chicken, and making the right side for it has always been a struggle for me. 

Not all options are created the same — even though some may seem like the perfect fit, they really aren’t. There were times when I made and served a meal, only for it to let me down completely. I hope this has never happened to you, and if it has, here are 11 Costco rotisserie chicken meal ideas so it never happens again. 

Roasted Vegetables 

When talking about Costco rotisserie chicken sides, it is impossible not to mention roasted vegetables. Easy to make and delicious to eat, these little guys will cheer up your meal, adding crunch and freshness, as well as color, to your dish. 

Just throw some carrots, peppers, asparagus, and cauliflower on a baking tray, drizzle them with oil, and sprinkle salt and pepper. Pop them in the oven, and in less than half an hour, you have a delicious side for your juicy chicken. 


Since Costco rotisserie chicken is packed with flavor, you may want to give your taste buds a break and serve it with a bowl of plain rice. Don’t worry; there will still be plenty of juiciness and flavor involved. 

If you like intense flavors but get easily overwhelmed by them, rice is the perfect way to balance things out. All you have to do is cook the rice and place it in a bowl. I like to drizzle it with soy sauce, but I can absolutely skip this step and have it plain. 

The rice will tone down any flavors you find too strong while adding substance and texture to the dish.  

Mashed Potatoes 

It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving for you to enjoy mashed potatoes and poultry, so make yourself this creamy side the next time you have Costco rotisserie chicken. I like to level up the meals by adding butter to the mashed potatoes but feel free to skip the butter if you prefer it that way. 

I love how the mashed potatoes’ softness and creaminess balance the rotisserie chicken’s explicit flavors without taking away from the taste but gently smoots it up. You can further combine this combo with a salad or a cheese platter. 

Macaroni and Cheese 

If you feel particularly peckish, mac and cheese is the way to go when combining your Costco rotisserie chicken. It will not only add creaminess to your meal but will also capture your taste buds with its cheesiness and vibrancy. 

Still, be warned that mac and cheese can be a bit heavy on the stomach, so if you are sensitive that way, this might not be the perfect idea to pair with your rotisserie chicken. Also, you may feel overwhelmed by the intense flavors, so think about whether or not you enjoy greasy and somewhat heavy food before having this combo. 

I love this combination, but I rarely have it. Still, if you can handle it, go for it. 

Corn on the Cob 

Serve roated veggies mashed potatoes or with Costco Rotisserie Chicken

Corn on the cob and Costco rotisserie chicken is the winning combo if you like to keep your meals light but still delicious and satisfying. I can’t think of a dish that can’t pair with corn on the cob because it is an incredibly versatile side as well as a snack in itself. 

Add butter to the corn and let it melt for an extra layer of flavor, allowing it to penetrate the kernels, making this side buttery and rich delight. 

Baked Beans 

Baked beans are a meal in themselves, given that they become soft, rich, and creamy when they’re done. They are also incredibly delicious, and you can further combine them with many other ingredients. If you want a protein-rich and fiber-packed side to your Costco rotisserie chicken, grab some beans and bake them in the oven. 

I like to add tomato sauce and paprika to my baked beans to give them a little zing but feel free to make them as you like them the most. They are also great to experiment with and very receptive to added flavors. 

Baked Potatoes 

Baked potatoes are an old classic and a side dish suitable for virtually any meal. Costco rotisserie chicken goes particularly well with baked potatoes, and you will most certainly enjoy this combination. 

Pop your potatoes in the oven and let them bake and soften up. After they are done, you can brush them with butter to make them even richer. For some extra flavor, make tartar sauce and dip each potato. You’ll enjoy every bite. 


Sometimes the simplest idea is the one that works best, so why not combine your Costco rotisserie chicken with a salad? Any salad would do here, but I prefer a fresh and crunchy vegetable salad instead of a creamy one. 

The veggies I use are tomatoes, peppers, onions, and cucumbers. I chop everything up and mix them in a bowl, and I like to add some parsley for additional freshness and color. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle some salt, and there you have it, a spectacular summer salad perfect to pair with your chicken. 

Creamy Peas and Mushrooms 

If you have some time and don’t mind putting in some effort, creamy peas and mushrooms might be the perfect side to your Costco rotisserie chicken. This creamy delight is just as easy to make as it is delicious. 

Sautee the mushrooms in butter and add the peas. Let them simmer together for a few minutes, and add heavy cream. Stir the mixture and add seasoning. I like to simple with this side with nothing more than salt and pepper. 

You will instantly fall in love with the liveliness of the peas and the earthiness of the mushrooms. They mix so well with the juiciness of the chicken that you will definitely want to repeat the experience soon. 

French Onion Soup 

If you want something to accompany your Costco rotisserie chicken, but you want it to be something understated and refined, you should go with a French onion soup. Flavorful yet not overwhelmingly intense, French onion soup will add some edge and novelty to your meal while allowing the rotisserie chicken to be the star. 

French onion soup is relatively easy to make, and it doesn’t take up too long. With its onion flavor and cheesiness, it will definitely become a regular item on your lunch menu. 

Steamed Veggies 

Rotisserie chicken with steamed veggies

Steamed veggies are a very healthy and delicious side for your Costco rotisserie chicken. Soft, creamy, and light, my favorite veggies to steam are cauliflower, broccoli, peas, and green beans. I just drizzle oil on them after they are done and season with salt and pepper. 

They will add balance to your meal, as well as plenty of nutrients. I also like to make a honey and mustard sauce and dip my chicken and veggies in it. 

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