What Cheese Goes with Prosciutto on Platter, Sandwiches, and Salads?

What Cheese Goes With Prosciutto on Platter Sandwiches and Salads
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When it comes to cheese, is it really necessary to know that much? I mean, can’t you enjoy your meal without it? Well, as it turns out, knowing your cheese is a massive factor in making the most of it, especially when it comes to prosciutto. So, what cheese goes with prosciutto? 

Parmesan is known to go with prosciutto on charcuterie board, fetta goes in salads, fontina in savory dishes, smoked cheddar on crackers, and gouda in sandwiches. Still, you can always use your favorite combination.

I love experimenting with cheese and prosciutto, and among my endeavors, I’ve had more and less successful ones. In this article, I will share the ideas that have worked best for me. You will definitely want to stay around, as they are all delicious. 

Cheese and Prosciutto Pairings on Charcuterie Board

If you are a cheese fan, a charcuterie board is the perfect place to experiment and try new types of cheese. Since you serve cheese individually, even if you use the wrong kind, it won’t matter as it won’t have any impact on the rest of the food. 

Still, why not pick the best cheeses for your prosciutto charcuterie board? Charcuterie usually consists of cheeses, smoked meats, dried or fresh fruits, pieces of bread, and perhaps veggies and olives, so it definitely offers variety. What you need here is a cheese that would pair nicely with all these foods. 

You can go with mild, soft, and strong and hard, or do as I do and combine hard, strong, and smelly cheeses with mild and soft kinds. Here are some of my favorite suggestions! 


This is the commonly known cheese you sure must have already tried. It pairs excellently with white wine, prosciutto, and dried fruits such as raisins, dried figs, and dates. It is very memorable and a delightful member of many charcuterie boards. 

Parmesan also goes great with fresh fruits such as berries or green apple slices, sausages, and veggies such as arugula and cherry tomatoes. You can combine it with nuts such as almonds or hazelnuts on a charcuterie board. 

I love the sharpness of thinly sliced parmesan cheese, especially on a charcuterie board where I can combine it with all sorts of bites. 


Mozzarella with Prosciutto on Charcuterie Board

Mozzarella, especially fresh mozzarella, is another great cheese to pair with prosciutto. Its mild, creamy flavor and soft, elastic texture provide a lovely contrast to the salty and delicate nature of prosciutto. 

Mozzarella pairs well with fresh fruits, such as melon or figs. You can make fruit and mozzarella prosciutto wraps and surprise your palate with this vibrant flavor combination, or simply layer the fruits, mozzarella, and prosciutto. 

I love the mozzarella and prosciutto combo; it’s delightfully refreshing, irresistibly creamy, and mouthwateringly savory. You must try this pair if you are a cheese and prosciutto fan!


Gorgonzola is an excellent choice to combine with prosciutto on a charcuterie board if you enjoy bolder flavors. With its distinct, tangy taste and characteristic blue veins running through its creamy texture, this Italian cheese will delight you with its flavor and texture. 

The creamy and slightly sharp gorgonzola complements the saltiness and richness of prosciutto. So, if you are a fan of pungent flavors, this combo will definitely blow your mind. If the flavor becomes overwhelming, which happens to me, you can drizzle some honey over your gorgonzola and prosciutto to calm things down. 

Cheese and Prosciutto Pairings for Sandwiches

When it comes to sandwiches, the options are endless. Generally, you need a combo that also pairs well with salads and butter, mayo, sour cream, or whatever you decide to spread on the sandwich buns. 

In sandwiches, I like to go hard on the prosciutto and easy on the cheese, but that’s just how I like it. You can explore countless options, though, and below are three of my favorites. 

Goat Cheese 

Goat cheese is a highly aromatic and flavorful cheese, so if you choose to add it to a sandwich, be careful about the quantity. Since prosciutto is also expressively savory and flavorful, the flavors may quickly overwhelm you. 

Goat cheese offers a tangy and creamy flavor that pairs beautifully with prosciutto in the right quantities. It has a slight hint of acidity and freshness that adds character to the sandwich. I like to spread some goat cheese on a baguette or crusty bread, top it with slices of prosciutto, and add some arugula or fresh herbs. 


Prosciutto and Brie in a Sandwich

The gentle brie cheese adds a rich and creamy element to a prosciutto sandwich. It isn’t overly flavorful, but it is very luxurious. I love it for its buttery texture and subtly nutty flavor, which enhances the saltiness of the prosciutto without overwhelming the palate. 

I love making these sandwiches in a crusty baguette or ciabatta bread, but it works with whatever bread you like. For extra crunchiness, I add some arugula and cherry tomatoes for some acidity. 


If you love wholesome, simple, and homemade sandwiches as much as I do, gouda should definitely be on the top of your list. With its slightly sweet and nutty taste, it pairs wonderfully with prosciutto.

It seems that gouda simply gets prosciutto, so it tones down its sharpness while accentuating its meatiness. Gouda’s smooth and creamy texture adds a delightful creaminess to the sandwich. 

I like to combine prosciutto, gouda cheese, and caramelized onions for a mouthwatering flavor combination. I prefer to grill the sandwich until the cheese melts, but you can have it cold if that’s how you prefer it. 

Cheese and Prosciutto Pairings in Salads

Cheese and prosciutto can make a great salad if you know a little something about pairing them. Generally, you want cheese that goes well with prosciutto but also pairs well with veggies. Below are some of my favorite ideas. 


Feta and Prosciutto Salad

In addition to being one of the healthiest types of cheese, feta is known for its use in salads. The famous Greek salad has fetta in it, so it’s definitely an excellent salad cheese. Due to its stern yet gentle flavor, feta is a great pair for prosciutto, so these two are a slam dunk when it comes to salads. 

You can use your favorite veggies, whichever they are, and always get a finger-licking salad. I like to mix arugula, cherry tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze and top the veggies with prosciutto and feta.


Burrata is an excellent salad cheese option that is soft and compact on the outside and creamy on the inside, turning even the dullest salad into a creamy miracle. With its luscious and creamy texture, burrata complements prosciutto beautifully in salads. 

I like to combine fresh mixed greens, prosciutto slices, cherry tomatoes, and torn pieces of burrata cheese. Balsamic glaze or vinaigrette is an absolute must for this type of salad, as it adds a layer of flavor and plenty of freshness.

Blue Cheese

Blue Cheese Prosciutto and Apple Salad

Blue cheese, such as Roquefort or Gorgonzola, will add a sharp and tangy flavor to salads with prosciutto. The creamy yet crumbly texture and irresistibly edgy taste create a delicious contrast to the saltiness. 

My favorite blue cheese salad includes arugula, thinly sliced prosciutto, caramelized onions, and crumbled blue cheese. You must try it! 

Cheese and Prosciutto Pairings in Savory Dishes

Although prosciutto is predominantly used uncooked, it makes delicious savory dishes when combined with the right cheese. Whether you make roasted veggies, pasta, or a meaty meal, prosciutto paired with the right cheese will make your meal more decadent, more luxurious, and delicious beyond words. 


With its semi-soft consistency, creamy texture, and nutty flavor, fontina cheese is definitely one of the best cheeses for the occasion. Dishes like stuffed chicken breasts wrapped in prosciutto are the best place to use fontina as it melts beautifully. 

It adds a rich and gooey dimension and complements the salty prosciutto. I also like to use this combo as a filling for pastries, but my favorite is creamy prosciutto-fontina risotto. 


Whether you pick fresh or aged asiago cheese, you will definitely be enjoying a rich and satisfying meal. Fresh asiago has a milder flavor, while aged has a sharper profile, and both make amazing combinations!

Asiago and prosciutto work great in pasta dishes or creamy sauces. I, for one, am crazy about asiago carbonara. Make sure you make the dish creamy, as asiago has amazing melting properties. 


Pecorino in a Pasta Dish with Prosciutto

This hard and salty cheese with a bold and tangy flavor is an excellent idea for you if you like edgier flavors. It is a classic pairing in Italian cuisine, and with a good reason. Particularly famous as cheese for roasted veggies and prosciutto, pecorino also works great in prosciutto and cheese-stuffed mushrooms or veggies. 

Its sharpness complements the saltiness, but it isn’t overwhelming. The flavor will definitely excite and awaken your taste buds, especially if you add a little bit more cheese. 

Cheese and Prosciutto Pairings on Crackers

Prosciutto and cheese on crunchy crackers is a combination only a few can resist. Here is where you have the most options, so you can definitely go with your gut. Still, having a few starting points is always helpful, so below are a few ideas to get the ball rolling. 


Spread a thick layer of creamy camembert cheese onto your crackers and them with prosciutto. I like to drizzle a bit of truffle oil for an even more decadent flavor. You will love the different textures and how they feel on your tongue, especially the mix of crunchy and creamy. 

Smoked Cheddar 

Smoked cheddar and prosciutto are a true love story when it comes to topping crackers. Each bite is a symphony of flavors and rich textures with a delightful crunch. You will love the smoky flavor of the cheddar cheese combined with the juicy and salty delicacy.

Herbed Cream Cheese 

Prosciutto and Herbed Cream Cheese on Crackers

Mix any cream cheese you have at home with your favorite herbs, and you get herbed cream cheese. My favorite herbs to make herbed cheese are dill and parsley, but you can also make it with oregano, basil, Italian mix, or rosemary. 

Slap a generous layer of cream cheese on your cracker and top it with a thin slice of prosciutto. Enjoy!

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