Ways to Make Your Kitchen More Ergonomic

Ways to Make Your Kitchen More Ergonomic
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Even if you love cooking, it’s hard to ignore the amount of effort it takes. Cooking and baking can easily wear you out, especially if your kitchen isn’t designed with ergonomics in mind.

The key to enjoying your time in the kitchen is to make ergonomic adjustments. This includes steps like putting your appliances at chest height and using anti-fatigue mats.

If you’re feeling limited by your kitchen, consider changing how it’s organized so you don’t use up as much energy. Keep reading to learn a few ways to make your kitchen more ergonomic.

Change Appliance Height

No one enjoys straining themselves while trying to cook a simple dinner. If you find that bending over hurts your back, you may want to change the height of some of your kitchen appliances. For example, wall ovens are raised off the ground for easier access. There are many wall oven sizes to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that fits your kitchen.

Try Cooking While Sitting

Most of us probably don’t think of cooking as something to do while sitting, but that’s just because of how most kitchens are designed today. If you prefer sitting while icing cookies or peeling carrots, get a lightweight folding barstool. You can move the barstool wherever you need it, and you can hide it away in the pantry when you’re done. This simple fix will make your cooking experience more relaxing and enjoyable. 


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Use Anti-Fatigue Mats

Anti-fatigue floor mats are a lifesaver for people who spend a lot of time on their feet. Placing an anti-fatigue mat in front of the sink or the range can help you feel more comfortable while working in the kitchen. You can also buy cushions that fit under your favorite kitchen rugs, meaning you won’t have to sacrifice your kitchen aesthetic. Consider adding this simple rug to your kitchen to make a major difference. 

Implement the Kitchen Work Triangle

Most modern kitchens are designed so the fridge, sink, and range are in a triangle with each other. If you find yourself walking back and forth a lot in your kitchen, it may be that your work triangle is different. See if you can find ways to rearrange your kitchen so the things you use most often are closer together.

Watch Out for Heavy Items

One mistake people often make when organizing their kitchens is placing heavy items high above their heads or in the very bottom cabinets. Ideally, you want your heaviest items to require as little movement as possible so you don’t strain your body when using them. Keep heavy items like ceramic mixing bowls and countertop appliances as close to chest level as possible.

Let Appliances Do the Work

Some kitchen appliances really do reduce the amount of effort you have to use in the kitchen. One perfect example is the stand mixer. While these tools require a bit of financial investment, they last for a lifetime and reduce a lot of your work. Stand mixers are perfect for making meringues, kneading bread, whipping up stiff frostings, and so much more.

We hope these ways to make your kitchen more ergonomic help you get back to what you most enjoy about being in the kitchen. As the saying goes, work smarter, not harder!

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