Easy Ways You Can Save Time When Cooking Family Dinners

Are you a busy parent trying to make the most of family dinners? Discover some ways to save time when cooking so that you can spend less time in the kitchen.
As busy parents, we want to make the most of the moments we get with our kiddos. Ideally, that means not spending hours in the kitchen. If you know where to look, you’ll find easy ways to save time when cooking family dinners.
While every family is unique, a little planning goes a long way. You may also have food shipped directly to you rather than purchasing items at the grocery store for every meal. You may also enlist the help of your kiddos and partner while cooking. No matter what you choose, if you want more family time, these time-saving hacks are for you!
Plan Dinners in Advance
For those who love being in the kitchen, planning those family dinners ahead of schedule is a huge time saver. Starting small is key if this is the first time you’ve done this. You can try planning dinners for the entire week as a baseline. If this goes well, you can increase this by planning for the next two weeks.
By already having a guide, you can purchase ingredients ahead of time and won’t have to go to the store multiple times a week. Try getting your family’s opinions, too. There may be new dishes that some members want to try that aren’t in your usual meal rotation. This feedback allows you to bring in some variety and let everyone feel heard.
Use smart kitchen tactics when you cook, like marinating in advance or chopping veggies beforehand.
Use Modern Conveniences
Our modern world has many technological innovations, so why not try implementing some to make dinnertime easier? Many grocery stores offer pickup options. However, you can take it a step further by ordering food online and shipping it to your doorstep.
Some services offer you more options than you would find at the local supermarket. For example, let’s say you love eating fish, but your grocery store’s selection is less than stellar. There are many considerations when buying seafood online, such as finding the best choice. Quality retailers ensure that wild-caught fish will stay fresh when delivered to your home.
Alternatively, you can also have food professionals plan for you if meal prep stresses you out. There are many providers of this service now, such as HelloFresh and Blue Apron, which will give you everything you need to prepare dinner. Modern conveniences have a way of working for the busiest families.
Make It a Family Affair
Cooking doesn’t have to fall on your shoulders alone. An easy way to save time when cooking family dinners is to get all members involved. For instance, you and your partner can handle the more complicated jobs, such as using the stove, while the kids can help with ones that are safe for them to do. For example, little ones can have fun measuring and mixing ingredients.
Depending on your kiddos’ ages, this may slow down the process, but the important thing is to have fun. You can make time for activities like this on the weekend. If your children are older, they’ll likely be faster. Another helpful thing kids can do to speed up the process is setting the table.
No matter how busy you are, you can save time in the kitchen with these simple tips and have more moments with your family.