8 Ideas to Make Nettle Tea Taste GoodÂ

One of my favorite things about spring is going to a corner of my garden and picking some fresh nettle for a cup of tea. Still, my tea never comes out the same — sometimes it has too strong a herbal and sometimes a too bland flavor. This is why I decided to do some research. So, how to make nettle tea taste good?
Nettle tea will instantly taste better if you add some lemon juice, honey or cinnamon. You can opt for other add-ins or just turn it into the iced tea.
With each of the following combinations, you can turn a simple beverage into a delicious drink. In the text below, I will explain in detail how to do that and hopefully inspire you to make the nettle tea that suits your taste exactly.
Add Lemon Juice
If you are not a fan of nettle tea or you find it has a dull, earthy taste, pour some lemon juice into it. The strong herbal flavor of nettle gets along well with the tangy, citrusy aroma. The combination is refreshing and benefits your health in many ways.
It is a great choice if you are starting your detox program. Whenever I feel it is time to clean my body from toxins, a cup of nettle tea with lemon juice becomes an important part of my daily routine. Aside from detoxification, it is a good way to boost your immune system since it contains calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and vitamins.
Add Honey
A teaspoon of honey is a quick fix for any tea that doesn’t suit your taste. Its rich sweetness will add another note to a nettle tea flavor as well, turning it into a comfortable beverage you will enjoy.
However, not all types of honey make a good combination with it. So, consider enriching the tea with a wildflower, acacia, clover, or other lighter types of honey. Each complements the tea in a specific way, and it is up to you to figure out which one is a perfect match for you.
If you are looking for some more exotic flavors, orange blossom, and eucalyptus honey also pair well with nettle tea.
Add Stevia
In case honey is too sweet for you, consider using stevia as an alternative. You can either use its dried leaves or stevia powder. It is a non-sugar sweetener that will not affect the basic taste of the tea.
You can either buy it in your local store or grow it at home, dry the leaves, and pair them with nettle to create a unique herbal mix.
Add Cinnamon
Cinnamon is another common addition that pairs well with various types of tea, and nettle is no different. So, if you are not a fan of the flavor, a sprinkle of cinnamon powder or one cinnamon stick can make all the changes you need.
It is highly aromatic, and it will compliment the tea with woody, sweet, and spicy notes.
Mix With Rose Tea
To make an elegant, warm beverage out of your nettle leaves, mix them with some dried rose flowers or petals. The soft and rosy smell will blend with nettle perfectly and add a specific perfumed note to it.
This is my favorite recommendation on this list. I also like adding some orange blossom honey to bring out the floral notes and make it sweet. Still, if the honey is too much for you, try adding stevia and some lemon juice.
Mix With Lemon Balm
Mixing nettle with lemon balm leaves is another great idea. It will add a citrusy aroma to your tea and soften the strong herbal taste.
Aside from that, this mix is incredibly healthy. With numerous vitamins, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients, nettle mixed with herbs like lemon balm, which contains tannins, will improve your immune system. Both of these plants have a calming effect and are used to ease pain, so I would especially recommend this combination whenever you feel under the weather.
Mix With Mint
Whenever I feel like I am about to catch a cold, I reach out for a nettle-mint mix. With numerous benefits that these two plants bring, this tea has a lovely herbal flavor, perfect for rainy days.
To make it even better, try adding lemon juice, cinnamon, and honey. Plain tea will turn into a herbal, minty, and sweet beverage — a true energy boost.
Turn It Into Ice Tea
If you prefer cold beverages, try mixing a nettle tea with lime juice. To make an iced tea, boil some nettle leaves and let it cool down. Pour in lime juice, add stevia and some ice cubes, and your iced tea is ready.
It is a drink perfect for hot summer days, especially because of its tangy lime flavor. You can also try adding raspberries, blackberries, or blueberries to make it more fruity. Perfect for the upcoming season!
Nettle Tea Summer Edition
- 1 tsp Nettle Tea
- 1 cup Water
- 2 tsp Fresh Lemon Juice
- ½ tsp Stevia
- 3 Ice Cubes
- Put the nettle into the water and boil it.
- Let it cool down completely.
- Put in the rest of the ingredients and your summer refresh is ready!