How Long to Wait Between Coffees? Learn the Most Important Trick!

how long to wait between coffees
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Coffee isn’t just a drink; it’s an entire experience. We have coffee when we socialize when we relax, and we want to kick-start the day. But, there is such a thing as too much coffee. There are those lucky few who can spend the day with one cup of coffee, but the rest of us definitely need more than one cup. So how long to wait between two cups of coffee? 

The general consensus says that at least four to five hours need to pass between two cups of coffee. However, this between time mostly depends on the type of coffee. More robust coffee blends require a longer pause between cups, but refined blends can be taken more frequently. To avoid becoming dependent on caffeine, drink plenty of water between coffees.

Coffee drinkers are constantly bothered by the question of how long they should wait before the next cup of coffee. As pleasing and as satisfying coffee is, it is also highly addictive and energizing. So going overboard with coffee will give you a racing pulse and insomnia. 

Therefore, in the following paragraphs, I will explain the intervals between two cups of coffee, when is the perfect timing for coffee, and how quickly it can become an addiction. 

How Far Apart Should You Have Coffee? 

The optimal period between two cups of coffee is four to five hours. The caffeine is absorbed into the system 45 minutes after having coffee, and it stays there for the next four to six hours. Therefore, considering the time caffeine stays in the system and your personal need for coffee, I’d say that four to five hours is a reasonable pause between two cups. 

Of course, there’s decaf, which you can have more frequently, as it doesn’t contain caffeine. Also, there are other types of coffee that aren’t strong at all and could be taken in less than four hours. However, whichever type of coffee you have, it isn’t recommendable that you have more than three cups a day, with less than three hours in between.

Coffee has excellent health benefits. It is packed with antioxidants, and it helps regenerate the body. Drinking coffee regularly is very beneficial for the immune system, but as with everything else, you shouldn’t overdo coffee either. 

Can You Have Two Cups of Coffee in a Row? 

Nothing will happen to you if you have two cups of coffee in a row, but don’t make it a habit. There’s a limit to which coffee is beneficial, and it could be harmful past that limit. 

Therefore, refrain from having two cups of coffee in a row, as in about 45 minutes, you will feel pretty shaky. Your body will absorb the caffeine, and giving it a double dose at the same time, might not be the wisest decision you can make. 

It is best to have one cup and wait a few hours for the second one. Moreover, having two cups of coffee in a row will diminish the kick you get from coffee in general, so to be able to enjoy coffee longer, stay within the four to five-hour limit. 

When Is the Best Time to Have the First Cup of Coffee? 

The best time to have the first cup of coffee is two to three hours after you wake up. The first thing the body needs when you wake up is hydration. You’ve just spent eight hours with no food or water, so first, you need to rehydrate before drinking your coffee. 

If you wake up between 6 and 9 AM, have your first coffee between 8 and 11 AM. Also, cortisol levels are low three hours after you wake up, so having coffee at that time is excellent for stress management. 

Don’t have your first coffee on your commute to work, as you will miss the enjoyment of the first coffee. 

How Often Can You Have Coffee Without Becoming Dependent? 

The amount of coffee you have isn’t as decisive as the amount of water you drink between cups. You can have four cups of coffee a day and not become dependent if you drink water in between. The same amount of coffee will cause dependency if you have it without water. [1]

Therefore, disperse your coffee intake during the day. Make sure you make a five-hour pause between coffees, have at least two glasses of water between the coffees, and substitute your morning coffee for a beverage that doesn’t contain caffeine. 

How Long Does It Take to Become Dependent on Coffee?

Caffeine is, essentially, a drug, and therefore it causes addiction and pretty quickly. So after a month of drinking coffee, you are likely to become hooked on caffeine. [2]

The recommended caffeine dosage is from 200 to 400 mg. Having caffeine in a larger dose will cause tolerance. To prevent caffeine addition, drink a lot of water, replace your morning coffee with another drink, and incorporate exercise into your daily routine. 

The good news is, that caffeine withdrawal symptoms aren’t that strong and don’t last long. Most commonly, people experience nausea, headaches, and sleepiness which disables them from functioning normally. Usually, the symptoms go away in 24 hours, and you are no longer addicted to caffeine. 

The ritual, though, is entirely another thing. 

Is Drinking Coffee Every Day Bad?

Drinking coffee every day isn’t bad at all, in fact, it is very beneficial. Coffee brings many benefits to the organism and is a very healthy drink. 

However, you shouldn’t go overboard with it, a there’s a limit on how much caffeine a day is healthy. Past this limit, 3-4 cups of coffee a day, could be harmful. [3]

Therefore, if you drink the recommended coffee dose and keep the 4-5-hour gap between coffees, then drinking coffee every day could be very good for you.

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