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How to Reheat Popeyes Turkey

How to Reheat Popeyes Turkey?

Author: Laura Bais
Popeyes turkey bounces right back after being refrigerated or frozen so let's see how to reheat it.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Course Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine American
Servings 4 people
Calories 100 kcal


  • Leftover Popeyes turkey


In Microwave

  • Start the rehearing cycle for one minute. Check the Popeyesturkey after the first cycle and pop it back again if you are not entirely satisfied with the results. Set each next cycle at 30 seconds and check the turkey after each one. 

In Air Fryer

  • Before placing the meat in the air fryer, cover it with oil-sprayed parchment paper. Place the turkey inside and set the temperature to medium. Set the timer to five minutes and check the turkey after this period is over. 
    You will probably need another five minutes, but it is safer to split the ten minutes in half and do two five-minute cycles. 

In The Oven

  • You just need to pop the turkey on the baking tray and let it warm up, for about 15-20 minutes at 150 °C or 300 °F.

On Stove

  • To reheat your Popeyes turkey on the stove, you must use a non-stick skillet, and even then, you must always be present. Oil the skillet and place the turkey on it. Even though there are some large skillets, I doubt you will find one that can fit an entire turkey. 
    So, cut or slice the Popeyes turkey before reheating it on the stove. Once you've placed the meat on the skillet, let it sizzle and mi every few minutes. Don't preheat the plate that way; you risk your Popeyes turkey sticking and don't leave it for more than 20 minutes. 

On Grill

  • Pop the slices on the grill and let them sizzle for a few minutes. Turn them over and allow them to cook for another few minutes. No more than five minutes on each side. 
Keyword How to Reheat Popeyes Turkey, Popeyes Turkey